There are mornings when it is so difficult to pull myself out of bed. Just ask my husband. On the other hand, please don’t. I try not to let my kids be my alarm clock, but lately it has been so tough! Sis usually wakes up first. Then B. He has truly begun to understand the workings of the video monitor in his room. He gets that I can hear him and that it takes very little effort on his part.

“Mom?” He’ll say calmly.

“Yah, Brade?” I’ll yell from bed, trying to delay getting up by a few moments.

“Can you come get me, please?” he’ll say sweet as pie.

“Yep! I’m coming!”



It always amazes me that even though it may take me 15 minutes to get out of bed, it never takes even close to that long to love being awake.

Mornings are precious. Everyone is so fresh and gracious.

So, even though I am by no means a “morning person,” I love the mornings.

And, I really do hope that one day, I am a lot better at getting up early!

For now, I’ll keep working to set my alarm.

After that, I think I’ll focus on actually getting out of bed after the first alarm…maybe the second.